The Role of Sejanus and Political Repression

One of the most significant and troubling aspects of Tiberius’ reign was his reliance on Sejanus, the prefect of the Praetorian Guard. Sejanus was a shrewd and ambitious individual who gained significant influence over Tiberius, particularly after the emperor’s retreat to Capri. Sejanus was effectively in control of the empire’s domestic affa

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Tiberius’ Unpopularity and Withdrawal from Rome

Becoming Emperor After Augustus' death in 14 CE, Tiberius ascended to the throne as emperor, following the political arrangements made during Augustus' lifetime. His succession, however, was not smooth. Augustus had left no clear plans for the imperial succession, and Tiberius faced a series of challenges both from rival factions within the Roman

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Assassination and Legacy

After his victory in the civil war, Julius Caesar assumed control of the Roman state. In 46 BCE, he was appointed dictator for life, a title that granted him absolute power. While many saw this as a necessary measure to bring stability to Rome after years of civil conflict, others feared that Caesar’s centralization of power would undermine the R

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